Posts Tagged ‘friendships’


One day you can be on top of the world, the next you can be deep in the dumps, never knowing what hit you.

We can’t control who we lose in our lives and when. Sometimes it’s constant arguing and anger that drives two people who care farther apart. And sometimes it’s a sudden death.

However now isn’t the time to be stubborn in your ways. Tell the person you care about how you feel and make it known that if they were gone tomorrow they know just how you feel today.

Every second that goes by is another second that your loved one will be closer to that last breath so why hold grudges and make things out to be worst than what they are when you can make a difference? You can pick up a phone nowadays and find anyone in the world in less than 10 minutes. You can Tweet, Facebook, text, call, FaceTime, Snapchat, Instagram, and more. It’s almost impossible to not find a way to contact someone.

So why wait? Why let those precious seconds tick away while everyone has a hidden expiration date? Why not take five minutes of your time and just say hey if you haven’t in a while.

A simple hi could go a very long way.
