Speak your Heart

Posted: September 12, 2012 in Love and Romance
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“Go tell him/her how you feel. Go ahead.”

Raise your hand if you’ve heard that one before. Fact of the matter is that we all know one of the worst feelings out there is the feeling of rejection.

To put your heart out there and not have those feelings reciprocated can often be devastating. Especially if it’s someone you’re already close to like a good friend. Sharing strong feelings and being heartbroken by that person can end up being detrimental to the friendship.

But ask yourself- what’s really the best and worst case scenarios of each choice? Let’s explore.

Best case of not saying anything- You stay really good friends.

Best case of speaking your heart- They may turn out to be your soulmate.

Worst case of not saying anything- Feelings continue to grow until they eat away at you.

Worst case of speaking your heart- Might lose that friend altogether.

This is where the dilemma comes in. Best case scenario is that you find “The One” for you. But at worst you can lose that friend. The beauty of speaking your heart is that either way you get what you need. Whether that’s the devastating news that the person you are in love with just isn’t in love with you whatsoever, or finding out that the person you’re in love with loves you too. Either way the mystery is over and for the ever-so-hopeful heart’s sake, mysteries are never a good thing.

So speak your heart and see what happens. It might be bad and you may be heartbroken but at the end of the day, it’ll be out and you’ll know for sure where they stand.

And in the grand scheme of things, knowing is always better than not knowing. Even if the results are catastrophic. When it comes to the heart you have to be able to just let it loose no matter what. Because the heart is relentless and you can’t stop how it feels. Not even if you want to.

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